Birthday Brunch By.LucyHilda
Hello and welcome to my first post after I relaunch my blog early this week.I had been planning the relaunch for a few weeks and finally decided to upload it. I hope you like it and let me know your feedback.
So this coming Wednesday is my 15th birthday, I'm very excited and yesterday me, Georgia and Olivia went for Brunch and shopping to celebrate my birthday.
I'm so excited to share with you the highlights of my day.

We all finally decided on the American style pancakes which came with bacon and maple syrup(image below). After taking way to many picture of them we all ate them.They tasted just as good as they looked. After our pancakes whilst waiting for our car to come we took plenty of blog worthy selfies and of course the dog filter is featured in most of them.

We then went shopping, none of us needed anything but we ended up just looking around. Me and Georgia spent way to long trying on the Dior sunglasses, each time I see them I want a pair even more.
I bought a few things none of them I really needed.

After a long day of shopping we got back in the car and headed home, Georgia fell asleep but me and Olivia managed to stay awake.
Just want to thank G&O for an amazing day, love you both.
So this coming Wednesday is my 15th birthday, I'm very excited and yesterday me, Georgia and Olivia went for Brunch and shopping to celebrate my birthday.
I'm so excited to share with you the highlights of my day.

We arrived at my favourite place for brunch which is quite close to my house. We spent a good ten-fifteen minutes trying to decide on what to order as everything on the menu looked too good.
We then went shopping, none of us needed anything but we ended up just looking around. Me and Georgia spent way to long trying on the Dior sunglasses, each time I see them I want a pair even more.
I bought a few things none of them I really needed.
After a long day of shopping we got back in the car and headed home, Georgia fell asleep but me and Olivia managed to stay awake.
Just want to thank G&O for an amazing day, love you both.
Thank you and I will see you soon.
- Lucy
*Not a sponsored post all opinions are
my own. *
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