Fun Day With Friends| By.LucyHilda
This past Saturday I took a shopping trip with my two best friends.I didn't need anything as I'm off to Rome soon but it was an amazing day regardless. Before leaving i had a mini photo-shoot for Instagram and for this blogpost today.

We started off in M&S cafe for tea and hot chocolate before braving the busy Saturday crowds. We went straight to Topshop and ran round picking up every piece of clothing that looked nice and went into the changing room.
I took a liking to this green tank top and Georgia wore it in pink. I may have to go back next week and pick it up because now I'm regretting not buying it.
Go check out Georgia's blog and go follow her on Instagram @georgia_wrightxx
After spending way to long in the Topshop changing rooms we all needed a cup of coffee before heading home. We went to Starbucks ( no surprise there). Over the last few weeks I've been trying new drinks from Starbucks and yesterday I tried the Moche. It was amazing and I'm definitely getting it again.
And of course I couldn't go into Starbucks without taking a really posy picture of me drinking my coffee. Photo credits go to Georgia for making me look semi decent when in reality I was looking awful.
Outfit Links:
Thank you and I will see you soon.
- Lucy
*Not a sponsored post all opinions are
my own. *
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