Whats In My Travel Bag Rome - Rome Travel Diary | By.LucyHilda

In my Louis Vuitton I'm keeping all the items I will need to get hold of through the airport.Inside I have my phone along with the apple headphones. My card holder which will have UK pounds for duty free, I wont have euros in this as my parents will keep hold of that until we get to Rome.My sunglasses are in here for when we arrive in Rome along with them I have my actually glasses which are just the original RayBan's, I need these for easy access if I need to read something. I don't have my passport in there in this picture but that is where that will be.
Items here:
Bag: Louis Vuitton Alma BB
Cardholder: Jack Wills
Sunglasses: River Island
Glasses: RayBan original's
In my suitcase I have the bigger items. I have a pair of shorts and top so when I get to our hotel I can change and head out for the day without having to open my big suitcase. As we are only checking in one suitcase I have a pair of my converse, I plan on wearing them when I'm there.In this suitcase I have a small makeup bag with bobbles, hair brush and only bits of things. The rest of my makeup will be in the suitcase which is getting checked in as you can only take so many litres on the plane but I plan on buying some makeup goodies in duty free.

Shorts: Spanish shop ( cant remember the name)
Top: Topshop
Makeup bag: Ted Baker
Ipad case: Jack Wills
Headphones: White Beats
Camera case: Cath Kidson
Book: Not That Type Of Girl by lena Dunham
Thank you and I will see you soon.
Item links:
Louis Vuitton Alma BB: http://uk.louisvuitton.com/eng-gb/products/alma-bb-monogram-000539
Card holder:http://www.jackwills.com/ladies/accessories/bags-and-wallets/#prefn1=productType&prefv1=WALLETS&pmin=9.5&pmax=298.1&pfrom=9.5&pto=298
Sunglasses: http://www.riverisland.com/women/sunglasses/cat-eye-sunglasses/pink-large-cat-eye-sunglasses-677181
Glasses: http://www.ray-ban.com/uk/eyeglasses/RX5184%20MALE%20012-new%20wayfarer%20optics-black/805289324485
Shorts ( similar): http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/clothing-427/shorts-448/tall-bleach-turn-up-girlfriend-shorts-5596270?bi=0&ps=20
Top( couldn't find same one): http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/category/clothing-427/tops-443/N-8beZdgl?Nrpp=20&siteId=%2F12556&No=0
Camera Case: http://www.cathkidston.com/technology/wild-raspberries-gadget-case-1017467
Ipad Case: http://www.jackwills.com/accessories/homeware/ipad-cases/
Headphone: http://uk.beatsbydre.com/headphones/solo2/white/900-00135.html
Book: https://www.waterstones.com/book/not-that-kind-of-girl/lena-dunham/9780007515547
- Lucy
*Not a sponsored post all opinions are
my own. *
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