Monday 17th April: A Day In Leeds
Welcome back to my blog, I hope your all doing well. This past Monday I visit Leeds for a day of shopping with my parents and I thought I'd share my outfit with you. This outfit features my new denim skirt from New Look ( as seen in previous post) which I'm kinda obsessed with. I paired this with my new Holister top and the usual leather jacket. Very casual outfit like always but I can't get enough of this skirt so be prepared to see this in future outfit post (can't say I didn't warn you).
So what did I get up to in Leeds? Well I think you can answer that question yourselves knowing my shopping addiction. After the 2 hour car journey we parked up and then headed straight to Louis Vuitton ( surprise surprise) in the hope of seeing the Palm Springs backpack but unfortunately the Leeds boutique didn't have it * sad face* but I think thats a good thing because I actually can't get it now. The rest of the day was spent going into all the other shops and I managed to pick up some clothes which will be featured on here soon ( keep an eye out on my Instagram page)

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